Page 1 - Interview Rear Admiral PS Mahawithana, Director General Operations, Sri Lanka Navy
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Interview: Rear Admiral PS Mahawithana,
Director General Operations, Sri Lanka Navy

Date Posted: 06-May-2022

Author: Tim Fish, Auckland

Publication: Jane's Defence Weekly

Sri Lanka's broadening maritime security concerns are prompting shifts in the
structure and capability of the country's navy. Tim Fish talks to Rear Admiral
PS Mahawithana, director general operations in the Sri Lankan Navy, about its
reform agenda


With the defeat of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) navy in 2009 after years of civil
war, Sri Lanka does not have immediate threats to its sovereignty externally or from internally
based maritime terrorist sources. However, because of Sri Lanka's location at the centre of the
Indian Ocean, astride essential trade routes between Europe and the Middle East and the Asia-
Pacific, it means the Sri Lanka Navy (SLN) is modernising to meet new security threats that may

Rear Admiral PS Mahawithana, director general operations, Sri Lanka Navy. (Sri Lanka Navy )

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