Page 2 - sayurusara 46 full
P. 2

The Command Line                             01

         Y%S ,xld kdúl yuqodfõ 25 jk kdúl yuqodêm;s   02
         jhsia wÈñrd,a ms%hka; fmf¾rd

         Y%S ,xld kdúl fk!ld úchndyq                  04

         remsh,a ñ,shk 4586  lg wêl jákdlñka hq;a     08
         whsia iy fyfrdhska kdúl yuqod w;awvx.=jg

         SLN as a first responder for CBRN SCENARIO   09

         An analysis of Rudyard Kipling's poem IF     10

         ihqreir flá l;dj - —,laIañ˜                  12

         úryjl wmQre mo úhuk                          18

         jks;d oE;ska mk.ekafjk fjr<nv uqr hd;%d      20

         Mirror Wall - ihqreir ldjH ks¾udK            22

         New Brother is not your brother              24

         wdf,dalh                                     25

         Sun Tzu's view on the Art of War             26

         Photo Booth                                  28

         Y%S ,xldj jgd uqyqfoa isÿjk u;aøjH cdjdrï    32

         iudc wd¾Ól iuDoaêh Wfoid ixl%uKfha n,mEu     32

         is`ÿ,sfhda lsñ§u wrU;s                       47

         Y%S,xkdfk! iuqÿr                             50

         The Desciplined are the noblest of the men   54

         Sports Line                                  56

         Y%S ,xld kdúl yuqodfõ úOdk msysgd we;s wdldrh  60

         Art Gallery                                  67

         ihqreir 45 l,dmfha ch.%dylfhda               70

         Reef Knot                                    72

         fiajd jks;d                                  74
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