Page 6 - MDSL Final
P. 6


        The present context of maritime domain is changing rapidly mainly due
        to; high demand for energy, technological advancement, demographic
        shifts and globalisation. Since we are a maritime nation, the importance
        of  the oceans remains  unchanged as we are heavily  depending  on
        maritime trade and commerce.
        The Maritime Doctrine of Sri Lanka (MDSL) is the Sri Lanka Navy’s (SLN)
        capstone publication. It is a guide to understanding the unique nature
        of the SLN’s maritime power and the way in which it can be applied in
        pursuit of the national interests. MDSL shapes the broad contours of
        employment of maritime power and how the Navy goes about nurturing
        a stable environment at sea. Nevertheless, it should not be taken as a set
        of rigid rules. Flexibility and judgement, key attributes of naval forces,
        should guide the practitioners while interpreting it under a given set of
        The Navy exists to see the security of Sri Lanka at and from the seas.
        Further,  SLN  will  enhance  to  engage  effectively  in  the  Indian  Ocean
        Region in coming years. Therefore, it requires a Navy with the capabilities
        to operate effectively with other national institutes and international
        navies. MDSL establishes as a guide to steer the proposed development
        and employment of SLN for the coming five years.

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